Thursday, September 30, 2010

Well. That's One Way of Looking at It.


There is no need for the US to sustain the population. We (the planet) are overpopulated as it is. We should allow gays to marry to decrease the population, thus helping the environment.

So, all those in favor of green technologies and helping the environment should be in favor of gay marriage, as they cannot reproduce and continue overpopulating our planet.

First, the entire planet does not equal the US, or vice versa. Carry on.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wow. Just, Wow.


My stepson has issues with being talkative at school and was diagnosed ADHD. He is 12 now (has lived with us since he was 9), so our consequences for this started when he was a little older than your son. He has since matured enough that the psychiatrist has said that he no longer needs ADHD meds, but must work to control his behaviors on his own. He is incredibly intelligent and knows better than to talk at school when it isn't appropriate.

He knows that if he gets in trouble at school for talking, he loses the privilege of speaking at our home for the evening. He must raise his hand and wait to be acknowledged (unless someone is bleeding or is in imminent danger) or he is given push-ups, sit-ups, etc.

If we have to go out, I've got labels printed which state "I'm not trying to be rude, but I cannot speak to you. I've lost the privilege since I would not maintain control of my mouth/speech today at school." He wears them without complaining.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pick Me! Pick Me!


I make $40/hr. which I know sounds like pretty good cake but we live in a very HCOL area (Boston) and we still struggle check to check and the sad thing is that my DH probably makes about $45/hr. We're both in the IT field. Crazy, I probably should hire someone to be our financial advisor.

Friday, September 24, 2010



Christianity is one of those lovely religions that enforces in its followers a sense of obligation to convert and "save" all the other souls on the planet who might have other beliefs. Those other beliefs are irrelevant and SATANIC according to born again Christians. I was raised as one. I know lots about it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

This May Not Bode Well For Lots Of Us


"The best your (married) relationship is going to be is how it is when you're dating."

Agree or disagree? Why?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hmm. And, Wow. The Sequel.


My BF had like 500 girlfriends before me, and then he had about 300 more chicks that wanted to sex him. He also cheated on me a couple times early in our relationship.

So he JUST made a Myspace account, and chicks from the past are already hunting him down. I have his password, so I can check it out and all, but he thought he could erase some of em before I would see how many women are trying to be flirty. I was able to see a couple messages, where the chick apologized saying she was sorry for being naughty she didn't know he had a lady, etc. Then this other chick who he cheated on me with has been messaging him, he they havn't, and I checked the "sent" folder, empty, but then I checked "inbox" and seen their messages. I'm not threatened that he will cheat, she lives halfway across the country and is married w/ a new baby, but still!


Saturday, September 18, 2010



He's an ass, but that doesn't make him an *abuser*. He never hit anyone, just called his wife names.

Friday, September 17, 2010

You See *NO* Reason...? In My House, I'd See Three Reasons...


My kids are up at the ungodly hour of 6 a.m. I see no reason to get up at 6 so they get themselves ready in the morning and I stay in bed until I'm ready to get up. I'm usually up about 2 hours later.

Can't fathom it. Truly.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hmm. And, Wow.


My son has only eaten out at fast food places with play places.

He asked today to go to a Chinese place. Don't know where he got that from. So tomorrow I'll take him. If he does not behave we will leave.

I'm a tad jumpy about this. He's never been to a place that expects kids to behave.

But he's 4.5 now, so is it time to see how he does in a place that does not have a drive though line?

A Pro Life Choice


You are trapped in a burning building with a five year-old child and a freezer with three embryos that are supposed to be implanted in a woman's uterus tomorrow. You can't carry the embryos and the child at the same time. You have to choose either 3 embryo babies or one five year old child. Who do you save and why?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I Think Maybe, Just Maybe, It *Might* Be "Something Else". Just Maybe.


On several occasions my husband has noticed other moms being less than friendly toward me when we are out together. I'll strike up a conversation with a mom who has a child similar age to my own. I'll keep asking questions, lots of smiles and seeminly warm, but I'll usually get a short, obligatory response with no follow up questions. My husband thought this behavior was odd and came to his own conclusion that I am shunned by unattractive moms because I am good looking (bless his heart!).

I don't necessarily agree with him. I think it might be many factors. Some people might not be friendly toward strangers or not warm in general. I may have some yet to be determined x factor that puts other mothers off. What has been your experience. Is this real? Is it because I'm good looking or probably something else?

Yours? Mine? Ours?


You are married with children. You have been working to pay down your household debt. You each get an "allowance" (blow money, if you will) of $200, weekly. With about $3,000 remaining on the debt, your spouse decides to purchase a customization kit for his pickup truck. He has been saving his blow money over time (cutting back on eating out, and driving his commuter car) and has enough to purchase the customization kit with cash. You balk at the idea, saying the $3,000 should go towards paying off the rest of the debt and that he shouldn't use it to buy "toys". He claims it is *his* blow money, *he* saved it, and *he* can do whatever he likes with it.


Well, He IS the Owner...


Your 13 year old son is not circumcised. When he was born, you railed and railed against circumcision, stating that "the owner of the penis should be the one to make the choice."

At 13, your son decides he'd like to be circumcised. The procedure requires your signature since he is a minor. You refuse to sign.

Is this ethical on your part?

Monday, September 13, 2010

SELF Centered? Or GOD Centered?


I believe that the attitudes and teaching of Christianity have led to it being a bigot religion. No other religion that I have encountered is so self centered - everyone needs to be Christian, all non Christians are going to hell, God only accepts Christians, etc.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yeah, Because That's the ENTIRE Point of the Bible.


The Bible didn't create a bias against homosexuality. Some men created a bias and then decided to write the Bible to support it.

Friday, September 10, 2010

That Depends Upon One's Definition of "Man"...Or Does It?


Only a man can teach a boy to be a man... Women can teach boys to do the right thing and show them how to treat women, but not how to be a man. That's why we have so many grown boys now.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Note to Self: My Children Will Not Date Your Children.


No way would I consider or recommend my children wait (until marriage to have sex). I think people should have an active sex life and have multiple partners before they settle down in their late 20s or 30s+. Sex is a wonderful thing, adults need to have more of it with more people. In fact, I'd prefer my kids to have casual sex at 18 and 19 over getting married at such a young age.

There's This Great Thing Called the New Testament of Jesus Christ....


As a Christian, do you follow EVERYTHING the bible says?

Do you know the entire contents of the Bible?

If you know the Bible in it's entirety, then you must know that there are Bible verses that condone rape... among other verses that have other negative messages. Do you follow what those verses teach as well?

Knowing that the Bible condones such things, why do you still chose to follow a religion/book that is okay with such terrible things?

I'm Not Nagging, I'm Gently Reminding...


The wife asks the husband once a day to finish painting the bathroom, which has needed touched up/trimmed for six weeks or so. Every evening, instead of painting the bathroom, the husband sits and watches TV or surfs Craigslist. Every morning when the wife asks the husband to please finish painting the bathroom, the response is "Stop nagging."

Conversely, every day, the husband "reminds" the wife, several times, how much work she did not get done (while she was caring for the children)--things like vacuuming, ironing, or cleaning the bathroom more than a quick touch up. She is told, constantly, how these things are her job, and how he is tired of having to remind her to do something.

Are both spouses nagging? Is this the same thing? Discuss.

Since When Is It All About FEELINGS?


It is better to be happy and divorced than unhappy and married.
I don't believe in making very bold promises at the age of 25 or whatever and expecting them to last a lifetime. I took crap like that out of the vows I made with my husband.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Passion of the Christ Was Rated R For a Reason...

Overheard (kinda--from an Amazon review of the ESV Study Bible):

Some places were violent and even sexual in nature, I was led to believe this version was going to make the bible more kid friendly, I was wrong.

Yeah. Because there was NO sex, blood, or gore in Bible times. Not at all.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

That Depends Upon One's Definition of "Honest" I Suppose


I really wish people would listen to (the President). I do believe he is the first truly honest man we have had as president for many years, and I uphold him.

Can't. breathe. Head. hurts. from. trying. to. wrap. it. around. this.

Friday, September 3, 2010

I Love You, Man?


My husband and I were with a friend of his and my IL's today. My husband is 43 and this friend (male) is about 55. When we were leaving this guy's work, my husband was talking to him and said "I love you" to him. When we were walking away, I asked my husband "did you just tell him that you love him?" and he said "yes". I said I thought that was weird and he said that this guy signs all his emails to him that way (I love you). Then this guy walked us to our car and my FIL was making fun of my husband's hair and this guy said "it's okay I think it's beautiful. See y'all later".

So would this weird you out? FWIW, my husband and I have sex about once every 3 weeks if anyone needs to know that.


And, wow.

What Part of "'Til Death Do Us Part" Is Difficult to Understand, Exactly?


How long is too long to work on your marriage?

Um. I don't know. Define VOW. Or DEATH.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Apparently "Monumental" Is Relative. Like "Truth."

Overheard (Not really "overheard" but an actual conversation between me and...someone else. One of those "You had to hear it to believe it" sort of conversations.):

Her: You look good. You've lost weight. How much have you lost?
Me: 22 pounds.
Her: Wow. Good for you.
Me: Thanks. You know, (mutual friend) has lost over 100 pounds. 120, I think. Maybe more.
Her: Wow! I had no idea she was trying to lose weight. That's awesome.

(Go on about our day and have other conversations. Later....)

Her: Did you go to So-And-So's birthday party?
Me: No, we were on vacation.
Her: Oh. Well, I was there. (Wouldn't she have known if I was there, then? Regardless.) And (mutual friend mentioned above) was there, too. So, that was good. I got to see her.
Me: Wait. You saw (mutual friend) a month ago, and you're SURPRISED she lost 120 pounds?
Her: Yeah, well, I don't usually notice unless it's something monumental.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Abracadabra, I Raise You From the Dead


If conservative Christians are opposed to kids learning about a magical world and the art of doing magic, how do they reconcile that with Jesus raising people from the dead and instantly curing ailments (like leprosy and the crippled)?

Jesus was a lot of things, but He wasn't *magic* for crying out loud.

You Will Always Have The Poor Among You, But You Will Not Always Have Me-- John 12:8


God does not desire or intend for anyone to live in economic poverty.
