Friday, September 17, 2010

You See *NO* Reason...? In My House, I'd See Three Reasons...


My kids are up at the ungodly hour of 6 a.m. I see no reason to get up at 6 so they get themselves ready in the morning and I stay in bed until I'm ready to get up. I'm usually up about 2 hours later.

Can't fathom it. Truly.


  1. I cant even imagine what my house would look like if my 2 were left unattended for 2 hours...

  2. Any idea of the ages of the kids? I could see it if it were kids Nigel's age and up b/c they would basically get some cereal and drinks and watch tv or play computer until I was up. Not ideal, clearly, but also not a nightmare. Now, with kids 4 and younger I wouldn't do this, b/c it would mean cereal/drink on the floor, sticky remotes and computer mice, and way more trouble than those 2 hours of sleep are worth.
    P.S. When did 6 a.m. become ungodly?? I'll buy 5 a.m. as Satan's wake-up time, but not 6. ;-)

  3. Yeah, 6 a.m. seems like a normal wake up time, particularly if someone works outside of the home. I know when I worked I was up by 6 at the LATEST.

    Kids were Kindergarten and below, so Nigel would be the oldest.

  4. Whoops, just saw the ages on your FB page. Kindergartner and preschooler? Yeah, that better be one responsible and helpful older sibling!!

    As an aside, when I was pregnant and on bedrest my husband had to take care of the kids in the morning. This did not coincide well with his 45-minute morning bathroom stops (which I despise but which are truly necessary), so each night before bed he would fix the boys each a container of cereal or whatever else could be made ahead and put it on the table, fix them cups of drinks and leave them in the fridge, and anything else he could do to get them set up for the morning. I didn't much like it, frankly, but it was the only way to get them fed at the time they wanted without me having to abandon my bedrest. So it IS doable, although certainly not ideal.

  5. Oh, and I said this on FB, but in our house, someone (almost always me) is up either with or before the kids every day. On the weekends (it is rare, but it happens) they may watch TV for 30 minutes at the most before we join them, but Daddy gets them a box of cereal and plops them down and removes the remote and tells them to have at it.

  6. 6 AM is not a blessed time in my house unless my husband is up and it's the weekend (I can sleep in and HE cooks breakfast). My boys are older now, but when they were little i would get up (begrudgingly), put on a movie and 'nap' on the couch.

    letting the children be alone without a parent watching leads to magic marker/sharpie on the computer monitors, credit cards colored on, cereal spilled all over the kitchen and all kinds of other horrible terrors to clean up after. I still have the Nordstrom card with the sharpie 'drawing' on it.

  7. Oh yes, many are the mornings that I've napped on the couch, and actually managed to get in a couple of good 20-minute ones between episodes of Blues Clues. ;-)
