Thursday, September 30, 2010

Well. That's One Way of Looking at It.


There is no need for the US to sustain the population. We (the planet) are overpopulated as it is. We should allow gays to marry to decrease the population, thus helping the environment.

So, all those in favor of green technologies and helping the environment should be in favor of gay marriage, as they cannot reproduce and continue overpopulating our planet.

First, the entire planet does not equal the US, or vice versa. Carry on.


  1. Birthrate has stayed static for 7 years.

    And, i realize you don't like Wikipedia, but here is their take on ZPG

    " if that generation had failed to replace its population during its fertile years, the result is a subsequent “population bust”, or decrease in population, as that older generation dies off."

    So if we don't have enough children to replace our current population, there won't be enough people to fund our current Country debt, or workforce.

    Also, physcially speaking, if two people of the same sex marry, they have unbalanced the scales of marriageable persons for that sex.

    And, medically, sexual intercourse isn't the only way to make babies, so same-sex couples are able to have children without being "physically" able to make children.

  2. Ditto to what Paganne had to say, and may I just add, "eewwww!" Same sex relationships/marriage is morally and physically wrong - plain and simple.
