Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I Think Maybe, Just Maybe, It *Might* Be "Something Else". Just Maybe.


On several occasions my husband has noticed other moms being less than friendly toward me when we are out together. I'll strike up a conversation with a mom who has a child similar age to my own. I'll keep asking questions, lots of smiles and seeminly warm, but I'll usually get a short, obligatory response with no follow up questions. My husband thought this behavior was odd and came to his own conclusion that I am shunned by unattractive moms because I am good looking (bless his heart!).

I don't necessarily agree with him. I think it might be many factors. Some people might not be friendly toward strangers or not warm in general. I may have some yet to be determined x factor that puts other mothers off. What has been your experience. Is this real? Is it because I'm good looking or probably something else?


  1. well, imho, i've noticed -- especially in the area i live in -- mom's tend to be very snobby towards other moms. I don't think it has anything to do with looks. But then, i'm probably one of those unattractive moms that pays attention to what my children are doing rather than what I'm wearing....

  2. Well. I'm outrageously shy (which I know is difficult to believe but, really, I am), which is why I *might* act the way described in the OP at times, until I get to know you. But in this situation there doesn't seem to be any "getting to know" involved...just an endless barrage of questions. Annoying! Again, though, I'm uber shy. Do I judge people by their attractiveness as compared to my own? Um, no. I'm not 15.

  3. maybe the mom's just want to listen to their zune and read their pulp novel while their children play. Or maybe the accused aren't really the mothers of the children. They're nannies and they could care less...

  4. I love pretty people, I would never be rude to one. lol

  5. I have noticed that there are some moms who, when I pipe up in my typical way with funny or self-deprecating observations, just don't say anything back. It does hurt my feelings sometimes or leave me thinking I should just shut up, but more likely (if I stopped and thought about it) it's just that they're shy or don't want to open the door to a conversation right then. I guess it's kind of like being on a plane next to a chatty person, sometimes you want to and sometimes you don't.

    Aside: my family is Southern, and when my brother and SIL moved to Boston my SIL commented on how NOT chatty people seemed to be. Like she was in the grocery store or somewhere buying a fan and just struck up conversations with the checkout person about how she didn't expect Boston to be so hot in the summer, they'd just moved from AL, etc. etc. The cashier seemed to think she was mentally handicapped. :-/
