Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Abracadabra, I Raise You From the Dead


If conservative Christians are opposed to kids learning about a magical world and the art of doing magic, how do they reconcile that with Jesus raising people from the dead and instantly curing ailments (like leprosy and the crippled)?

Jesus was a lot of things, but He wasn't *magic* for crying out loud.


  1. well, there's a big difference between Miracles and Magic. Magic is based on illusion and in most cases is part of the 'dark arts' -- powered by Satan.

    Miracles are based on faith, are powered by God and are used for good and not to delude people.

  2. Okay, I have no quarrel with magic-y stuff, but THAT question was so idiotic as to be laughable!

  3. Agreed. I'm honestly neutral on the subject, which is odd for me, but true.

  4. I personally enjoy a really good magic show and I love Harry Potter. But, oh my gosh, Jesus and magic are sooooooo far apart. A miracle is an amazing feat that only God/Jesus can accomplish - any 'ol little person can learn a magic trick.
