Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yeah, Because That's the ENTIRE Point of the Bible.


The Bible didn't create a bias against homosexuality. Some men created a bias and then decided to write the Bible to support it.


  1. I think a better observation here is that perhaps, homosexuality has been around forever and that it's as wrong today as it was back in Biblical times.

    And, if all the things I read about Judaism and Islam are correct, they're not *fond* of homosexuality either. Apparently they've been around "longer" than the Bible. Islam actually condones and encourages stoning (to death) of anyone convicted (or accused) of homosexuality.

    So, perhaps this person who thinks the Bible is BIASED about homosexuality ought to read more than three words in a book before deciding they know what the whole story is...

  2. You know, that was brought up in the debate--the Islam/Judaism thing. It was said that the "hatred" for homosexuality can only be found among the Abramic religions (as you know, Islam also claims Abramic roots). Interesting, if you look at this chart:

    My thoughts are that it is generally *assumed* that "hatred" of homosexuals comes primarily from Christians, but when you consider that it predates nearly any world religion...well, that's just. not. true.

    It's not a religious issue IMO.

  3. well there are *theories* that men and women were designed for each other; compatible yet contradictory, balance, chi, yin-yan, all that. Not to mention the ACTUAL physical "fitting" together that homosexuals just can't make work. No matter how you try.

    So, if man and woman were made to fit together; anything other than that would, physiologically speaking, be like trying to put a square peg in a round hole. No pun intended.

  4. Yeah, but most people would say that doesn't make it WRONG, just different.

    They would say the Bible calls it sin, which is what makes it *wrong*.

  5. i'm sorry. if you go to the hardware store and buy a nut and a bolt that don't fit you go back to the Hardware store and get the "right" parts that fit together. And, while we're on hardware analogies; why are some things that fit together called the Male and Female parts? hmm...makes one wonder...two female parts won't fit together without an adapter. Just sayin'...

  6. You = preacher.

    Me = choir.

    I *agree.* I'm just saying that, in this age of relativism, WRONG doesn't mean "not o.k."
