Friday, September 10, 2010

That Depends Upon One's Definition of "Man"...Or Does It?


Only a man can teach a boy to be a man... Women can teach boys to do the right thing and show them how to treat women, but not how to be a man. That's why we have so many grown boys now.


  1. i wish I could have gotten through the book i just got from the library. it was bbbbbbbooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrinnnnnnnng. But the theory was that women are needed to create men because although men are needed for the masculine side, women are needed to teach a man how to be a good husband, father, etc.

  2. But wouldn't you think MOST men learn how to be fathers from, oh, say, their fathers (or even the lack thereof) than from their mothers?

  3. well, with the plethora of single parent families these days; mostly headed by women, i'd say there are a great many boys who are not raised by men in their lives. Or atleast possibly raised by men who should have procreated to begin with.

    Maybe i'm not getting the gist of the question...i think it takes both parents (male and female btw) to raise a boy to manhood. Too much man can either raise a serial killer or a sissy. Too much woman can do the same thing.

    It's why it takes one of each gender to create the child. It also takes one of each gender to raise them correctly. Maybe i need more wine...

  4. Yes, I would say that it's human nature for us to learn to model our gender roles after the people we see around us who seem to fill the role best. For instance, a son of a single mother might get a lot of really good information on what SHE thinks makes a good man, and he might even base his role models off who she chooses for him to be exposed to, but he's still likely to *choose* someone to model himself after. One could say that even boys with fathers they do NOT want to emulate might try to do this to some extent, find another man whose image replaces the father. It might perhaps be a close uncle, or a teacher, a pastor, or even Jesus himself. Truly, what better example could there be? A single mother who shares Jesus with her boys would be giving them the greatest head their family could ever have, because she could commit fully to Him and know He would never let her or her boys down.

  5. I agree with you on all counts. I honestly think this is a very multi-faceted statement. When I originally "heard" it, it immediately became an inflammatory discussion regarding marriage from a political standpoint, which I honestly don't think was the point of it. At. all.
