Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I'm Not Nagging, I'm Gently Reminding...


The wife asks the husband once a day to finish painting the bathroom, which has needed touched up/trimmed for six weeks or so. Every evening, instead of painting the bathroom, the husband sits and watches TV or surfs Craigslist. Every morning when the wife asks the husband to please finish painting the bathroom, the response is "Stop nagging."

Conversely, every day, the husband "reminds" the wife, several times, how much work she did not get done (while she was caring for the children)--things like vacuuming, ironing, or cleaning the bathroom more than a quick touch up. She is told, constantly, how these things are her job, and how he is tired of having to remind her to do something.

Are both spouses nagging? Is this the same thing? Discuss.

1 comment:

  1. I would not call it nagging if he is being reminded that something needs to be finished. As a SAHM with a part time job, my husband knows that I don't always get all of my chores finished. Thankfully, he is accepting of me just the way I am - I assume so anyway because he never complains if the house is not clean enough or if dinner is the same ol thing over and over. I do get very frustrated when he doesn't finish something that I don't know how to do - like currently, there is still one window that the trim hasn't been replaced since we had the windows done in April. I remind him every few days and figure when I am ready to repaint all the trim this winter I will just hand him a hammer as he walks in from work one day. I try not to overly remind because he never complains about my work, or lack thereof, around the house.

    The husband in your hypothetical needs to join the real world and understand that a SAHM doesn't always have time to present him with a spotless castle and a fresh pillow to prop his feet on when he gets home from work.

    Lastly, I would finish painting the bathroom myself.
