Monday, September 13, 2010

SELF Centered? Or GOD Centered?


I believe that the attitudes and teaching of Christianity have led to it being a bigot religion. No other religion that I have encountered is so self centered - everyone needs to be Christian, all non Christians are going to hell, God only accepts Christians, etc.


  1. Apparently this person hasn't any experience with religion in any form. I can't think of a religion that doesn't *think* they are the only one. And that everyone else that *doesn't* believe in *their* religion are evil and will die whatever horrible death their religion professes.

    Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, Jews, Catholics and Mormons, in addition to Christians all profess their way is the only way and that others that don't follow their way will not be allowed in their special place (heaven or whatever next level they have).

    Apparently this person won't be in any religion's heaven.

  2. Ridiculous. God didn't create bigotry, humans did.

  3. Is it really "bigotry" to claim, as Christians do, that their religion is the only right one? Because Jesus tells us that His way is the only way.

    Is this "bigotry"?

    It is according to the person in the OP.

  4. at Paganne: Pagans readily acknowledge the fact that one person's path to the Divine might not be the same as another. In fact, modern Pagans blatantly borrow from other religions to make their own path truly their own...also making Paganism the most personal religion out there right now.

  5. The overheard here is not about world religions, but bigotry. I don't think Humans created bigotry anymore than humans created sin.

    Bigotry is part of original sin. Cain was bigoted towards Abel because he *inferred* that God loved Abel more because he accepted his sacrifice. Abel's sacrifice was accepted because it followed God's instructions. Cain chose to kill him because his feelings were hurt.

    People are bigots/racists because of the notion that different is bad. That's part of original sin too. We prefer one tomato over another or one car company over another or one diaper over another. Usually because our parents or friends feel the same way.

    We are distrustful of new things, different things, things that are not like us. And, we are usually distrustful of those different things because they bring to light something in OUR lives that needs to be worked on or changed.

    I'm not sure if your comment NestDweller is in reference to my comment or my screen name. My point regarding different religions was that all religions have "outsiders". Even Atheism has people they consider 'hateful'. I won't discuss paganism with you, but Pagans hardly borrowed from other religions. (I am not pagan, nor druid, I am a Christian, btw. My screen name is a combination of my first and middle name).

    Bigotry is not a religious edict; it's how people respond to the feelings they have at differences in others.

    I find it interesting that people conveniently blame God for all the bad things that happen, but refuse to acknowledge his existence for the good.

  6. This comment needs a "like" button. The issue is bigotry, not religion.

  7. my comment was on Paganne's comment. Paganne stated: "I can't think of a religion that doesn't *think* they are the only one. And that everyone else that *doesn't* believe in *their* religion are evil and will die whatever horrible death their religion professes."
    My comment was telling her that yes, there is in-fact a religion that believes and knows that theirs isn't the only one, and that each person should find the Divine their own way.
