Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Passion of the Christ Was Rated R For a Reason...

Overheard (kinda--from an Amazon review of the ESV Study Bible):

Some places were violent and even sexual in nature, I was led to believe this version was going to make the bible more kid friendly, I was wrong.

Yeah. Because there was NO sex, blood, or gore in Bible times. Not at all.

1 comment:

  1. i'm always amazed at what people think of movie or game ratings. And i'm always shocked at the movies and games people let their children play and then say "I can't understand why *Johnnie/Janet* are so violent and smart-mouthed".

    Gee, I wonder. Of course, these are the same people who have no issue letting their young, pre-teen children watch the nightly news or Law & Order...
