Wednesday, September 8, 2010

There's This Great Thing Called the New Testament of Jesus Christ....


As a Christian, do you follow EVERYTHING the bible says?

Do you know the entire contents of the Bible?

If you know the Bible in it's entirety, then you must know that there are Bible verses that condone rape... among other verses that have other negative messages. Do you follow what those verses teach as well?

Knowing that the Bible condones such things, why do you still chose to follow a religion/book that is okay with such terrible things?


  1. The Bible also speaks against homosexuality, murder, lying and adultery. It's not a grocery store where you can pick out what you like and what you don't.

    And i can't find a verse that specifically allows/condones/accepts rape. I find verses that call for recompense, response and repayment as well as laws for rape victim and criminals.

  2. It seems kind of fake to be able to read the Bible, know the Bible, and then just decide for yourself which parts you want to follow. It is hard to see Christianity as credible when it has become an all you can eat buffet. Depending on where you attend church, just about any behavior can be either justified, or condemned.
