Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Note to Self: My Children Will Not Date Your Children.


No way would I consider or recommend my children wait (until marriage to have sex). I think people should have an active sex life and have multiple partners before they settle down in their late 20s or 30s+. Sex is a wonderful thing, adults need to have more of it with more people. In fact, I'd prefer my kids to have casual sex at 18 and 19 over getting married at such a young age.


  1. Perhaps I might recommend you invest in life insurance for your children prior to their sexually active years, so that when they contract AIDS (or whatever new disease comes along that is transmitted from sexual contact with multiple partners) and they DIE, you will know that you did the best you could for them and their sexually diseased and dying children and partner(s).

  2. I think this is one of those issues where ANY choice can have disastrous results that one can use to justify whatever their preferred choice is. I had sex before I was married... with the person I eventually married, sure, but that wasn't the plan at the time. He was a trustworthy guy and I wanted to have sex with him, and it just happened to work out for us. In fact the only thing that *really* troubles me about the overheard statement is the "casual" sex part of it. I don't have a problem with my kids exploring their sexuality with someone they deem to be trustworthy (in other words, someone who will treat sexual activity as the very serious choice it is) if that's what they feel is necessary to their development, but I don't think I could advocate *casual* sex for them (I define casual sex as being with someone you have no intention of getting to know). I think that's just stupid. It's not like you can have the sex without the risk by denying it hard enough, so you should only share that risk with people you know respect it. IF, for some people, that means marrying the person first, then that's a perfectly valid choice, too.

  3. I had sex with my husband before we married, the only man I've ever had sex with. I was 24. My older girls made their own choices regarding sex, as i hope my boys will too. However to CONDONE casual sex with as many partners as young people and encouraging them to have an ACTIVE sex life is irresponsible as a parent.

    Sure, kids make their own choices, but they are usually guided by the principles of their parents. That's our job. To teach our kids the safe ways to grow up. Random, casual sex with multiple partners is not safe.

    Christian values aside, there are reasons we have a high divorce rate, unwed parents, welfare babies and a slew of sexual diseases. Too many people are only concerned with their pleasure and their feelings. Not the consequences of their actions.

    I hope my boys (and my grandchildren) never date children of parents in the overheard.

  4. I'd go a bit further and define random unmarried sex and casual sex in the same manner. Both are harmful, even if we don't see the effects of that harm for years or generations to come.

  5. I cant even fathom "wishing" that for my children. ew.
