Friday, October 29, 2010

This Person Missed A Lot of Sunday School


I'm going to come right out and say - I pick and choose from the Bible. I don't think it makes any sense to take everything in the Bible literally and feel you have to follow everything in it to the letter - there's not a person on this planet who does that. However, I think it's important to know why you follow particular parts of the Bible and not others.

For instance, you read a passage in the Bible that says you can't eat X, so you decide you're not going to eat X ever again. But why aren't you supposed to eat X? And who wrote that section of the Bible and who were they writing it to? Is that section of the Bible intended to apply to you?

The Bible isn't a "how to" book on how to live your life - if it were, it would be very difficult to follow it given all of its contradictions. The different books came from different authors, were intended for various audiences, etc. I think it's important to understand what's going on with the Bible beyond the words on the page so you can understand how the Bible applies to your life.


  1. Interesting. I don't know the bible well enough to tell what i 'could' pick and choose from it. I do think if you believe in the bible you should take it ALL as what you SHOULD do. I know i am a sinner and don't follow everything. I am interested in what others will be commenting.

  2. Well, we're all sinners, and no one can follow the Bible 100%. But we should do our best to try.
