Thursday, October 7, 2010

Whose Choice Is It?

So a woman/couple decide, for whatever reason, to use a surrogate to have a baby. They enter a legal contract. Sometime during the pregnancy, they discover the baby is 'not perfect' (whatever that means).

Does the mother have the right to tell the surrogate to have an abortion (if abortion is the mother's preference) ?

Could a court force someone to have an abortion, in this case or ever?


  1. My belief is that it would depend on the state's laws.

    Morally (as in religion) I would think it wrong.
    Ethically (as in societal opinion) I would think others would find it acceptable (I would not).
    Legally it would depend on how the contract was written, how good of an attorney either side had and, again, the laws of the state.

  2. What a terrible predicament! No way can anyone be forced to have abortion...right?? Surrogate should run away! Something to keep in mind when entering this type of contract - good thing for surrogate to say NO genetic testing... or no Surrogacy - parents choice. This has me shaking my head - how awful.
