Friday, August 27, 2010

Ever Hear of Catharsis, Moron?

Overheard (from a woman):

You can't tell me Rihanna didn't put her hands on Chris Brown during their altercation. And the fact that she collaborated with Eminem on his song about abuse just makes me want to blame her more. If this really happened to her--and I doubt it--she brought it on herself. I've stopped buying her music but wholeheartedly support him.


  1. this is apparently a person who doesn't understand abuse. And i'm wondering how you can "blame" and abused woman -- ever -- for any part of the abuse.

  2. One of the comments in the discussion said:

    "She is just as guilty as he is. It's just people felt bad for her because she's a woman."

  3. And there's this gem, too:

    "But once again, she provoked it. She pushed and pushed knowing damn well he's bigger and stronger than her and what could happen. She is just as much at fault, and she shouldn't have been martyred for anything. She wasn't one of these battered woman victims, she played her part in it too, and IMO if we treated him like shit we should've done the same to her. "

  4. A woman should never be hit by a man. Even if she hit him first. No woman deserves to be hit. Ever. Any man that hits a woman isn't a man. He's a coward.
